Mr. Jackson

Business Automation Services

At Ariel, we offer business automation services to help businesses streamline their operations and achieve greater efficiency. Our team of experts has extensive experience in creating tailored automation solutions that optimize workflow and increase productivity.

Our Business Automation Services

Our mission is to create data-driven solutions designed especially for the needs of each of our new customer leveraging the best practices we have learned working with other business domains.

Process Automation

We develop automation solutions that streamline your business processes, eliminating manual tasks and reducing errors. Our solutions can automate tasks such as data entry, report generation, and document management, freeing up your employees to focus on more strategic activities.

Workflow Management

We create workflow management systems that optimize the flow of tasks and information within your organization. Our systems ensure efficient collaboration, smooth approval processes, and timely task completion, leading to improved productivity and faster decision-making.

Data Integration

Our team can integrate disparate systems and databases within your organization, enabling seamless data flow and eliminating data silos. We ensure that your data is accurate, up-to-date, and easily accessible across various applications, improving data-driven decision-making.

Custom Application Development

We can develop custom applications that automate specific business functions or tasks. Our applications are built to meet your unique requirements, providing a user-friendly interface and robust functionality.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

We leverage robotic process automation technology to automate repetitive and rule-based tasks. Our RPA solutions mimic human interactions with software applications, enabling the automation of tasks such as data entry, data validation, and report generation.

Chatbot Development

We can develop intelligent chatbots that automate customer interactions and support services. Our chatbots use natural language processing and artificial intelligence to provide personalized responses, improve customer satisfaction, and reduce the workload on your support team.

Quality Assurance (QA)

Our QA team conducts rigorous testing to ensure that your software solution meets the highest quality standards.

Support and Maintenance

We provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure the optimal performance of your software solution.

Technology Consulting

We provide expert advice and guidance on selecting the right technologies for your business needs.

Projects Management

Project Management is very important section in which we should enter all project related details. This section is helps you to manage below operations.

  • Manage Multiple Projects
  • Manage Investment of Partners
  • Define Payment Plans for Each Project
  • Manage Partners for Projects
  • Manage Assets of Project EG. 1BHK, 2BHK, Shop


Relations are person or entity to whom we should directly interact. In our all operations, we should interact with so many Clients, Employees, Brokers and Banks. We need to store information about relations only one time when required and then we can use it in all section of our system. We can perform below operations in this section.

  • Manage Customers
  • Manage Employees
  • Manager Brokers
  • Manage Banks
  • View Statement for any Relation

Why Choose Us As Your Business Automation Partner?

  • Confidentiality guaranteed (NDA)
  • Transparent pricing
  • Experienced software developers
  • Timely updates and delivery
  • Dedicated project manager
  • Top-notch security integration
  • Free consultations offered
  • Ongoing support and maintenance

Why Choose Business Automation Services?

Business automation services offer tailored software solutions to meet your unique needs and objectives. The benefits of opting for these services include improved efficiency, enhanced productivity, and streamlined processes. Embrace automation for a competitive edge in today's dynamic market


Business automation allows for scalable solutions, so your software applications can grow and adapt alongside your business, accommodating future needs and expansion.


Customized business automation solutions can be more cost-effective in the long run, as they eliminate unnecessary features and focus on addressing your specific requirements, saving you time and money.

Data Security

By tailoring the software to your business, you can implement robust security measures to safeguard sensitive data, ensuring protection against potential cyber threats and breaches.

User Experience

With custom business automation, you can prioritize user experience, creating intuitive interfaces and workflows that boost employee adoption and efficiency.

Competitive Advantage

Implementing tailored business automation can give you a competitive edge, as it optimizes your processes, accelerates decision-making, and allows you to stay ahead in the fast-paced business landscape.


Projects Launched


Satisfied Clients


Years Experience


Client Retention

Ready to Get Started?

Revolutionize the workflow system running your clinics and bring in the era of smart healthcare. Ariel is your ideal partner for the best healthcare app development experience. Contact our team today!

Development Process​

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book​

Technology Stack

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available


UI Design


UI Design


UI Design


UI Design


UI Design

Frequently asked questions

Custom Software Development – Everything You Need to Know
What is custom software development?
Custom software development is the process of creating software applications that are tailored to your specific needs and goals, rather than using off-the-shelf or generic software solutions.
Why choose custom software development?
Custom software development allows you to create software applications that are unique and original, and that suit your business processes and workflows. It also enables you to design software applications that have the exact features and functions that you need and want, and that meet your quality standards and expectations.
How much it cost to build a healthcare app?

Custom software development involves several steps, such as:

  • Analysis: We analyze your needs, challenges, and goals, and understand your requirements and expectations.
  • Design: We design the architecture, user interface, and user experience of the software application, keeping in mind the aesthetics, usability, and accessibility of the product.
  • Development: We code the software application using the latest technologies and tools, ensuring high performance, security, and scalability.
  • Testing: We test the software application using various methods and tools, to ensure that it meets the quality standards and expectations, and that it is free of bugs and errors.
  • Deployment: We deploy the software application to your target audience, whether it is local, national, or global.
  • Maintenance: We provide ongoing technical support, updates, and enhancements, whenever you need them.
How much does custom software development cost?

The duration of custom software development depends on various factors, such as:

  • The complexity and scope of the project
  • The features and functions of the software application
  • The technologies and tools used for the development
  • The feedback and changes from the client
  • The testing and deployment of the software application

We follow an agile development methodology for our custom software development services, which allows us to deliver working versions of the software application at regular intervals. We also communicate with you throughout the project, to keep you updated on the progress and status of the project.