I am sure this blog is going to take a lot of attention because of the topic I have chosen. I just want to dedicate this blog to the prevailing Grammar Nazis in our society.
So, the serious deal here is, Is our Knowledge not enough for us to survive?
What comes to your mind when I say Knowledge? A bunch of people trying their hard to enforce their so-called grammar on you? No? Then? Knowledge is a process of learning things gradually and eventually but not at once.
By this blog, I don’t mean to offend anyone and I am not normalizing the problems people in general face. Sure, the extent of their problems is far more than what we can ever imagine. They somehow lose their individuality by these self-proclaimed ‘Grammar Nazis’.
I still remember once incident, I was in 1 class, hardly able to learn the rules of grammar thoroughly. I got thrashed for using the wrong tense. Can you feel the humiliation faced by a 1 standard kid after being beaten up? I went home crying, It was my dad who told me, you have galaxies within you and all you have to do it is to always carry it inside and outside. He told me to respect myself first and take great pride in whatever I am today. He told me not to let anyone tell me otherwise.
As time passed, I could see these people in every phase of my life, haunting the individuality of many people. I still do permutation and combination of how could someone be given this right to judge people with the way they express themselves? Utter Disgust !!
I still have questions raised in my mind about how people are grammar- shamed. I have seen people being shouted on, humiliated, embarrassed. What a pity !!
To all those people struggling and dealing with these grammar nazis, I wish I could do something more for you but with this blog, I just want you to know your self-worth. Your degree, your job, your knowledge means everything and nothing else matters. Your demeanor towards yourself will take you somewhere you always wished for.
Do not let the remarks of these people confuse you, they are nothing! Do not try to be asocial just because you have had a bad experience with people. None of them are the same You guys are like sparkling gems, different, unique and beautiful in their ways.